We've had nice weather lately so my mom has been leaving the patio door open for me. Which means bugs get in so I've been hunting them for her because she's so busy...
I found a great way to stop my mom playing Wii when I want her to pay attention to me! I just climb on her lap and start kissing her and she starts laughing and puts down the thing in her hand and pets me and loves me! I'm so glad I figured this out 'cuz barking and pawing her didn't work but kisses do!
My mom got something called a Wii Fit. I was helping her exercise but she didn't seem too happy about that and I don't know why! But it's okay because she decided to give me a new toy of my own to play with while she played with hers. It squeaks and everything!
My human adopted me from a shelter. I'd been in foster homes but I needed a forever home and she gave me one. They told her I was a year old and they think I'm a spaniel/setter mix.
In case you're curious, you can visit my human's blog here at Writing and Life. Personally, I think she should write less and spend more time playing with me but...she's human. It's going to take her a little time to learn to do that.
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