Sophy Books

Sunday, June 9, 2024

I Had To Go

I'm going to miss my human mom. She took good care of me for 16 years but on May 24th, 2024, it was time for me to go. I had a massive seizure and my mom rushed me to the doggy doctor but there was nothing they could do. They wrapped me up in towels and put me on a couch next to my mom, with my head in her lap and she kept petting me right to the end. Some of the people who took care of me came and swapped stories about me with my mom. She talked about how much she loved me and was so happy I was part of her life. They said they loved me and would miss me, too.

Finally, I heard the doggy doctor say it was time so I looked up at my mom to say good-bye and to tell her I was ready and it was okay. I didn't want her to cry but she did. It didn't take long after that and now I'm off to the Rainbow Bridge where I will wait for her for as long as it takes. I've already found the other dogs she loved and we will play together until she gets here.

This is one of the last photos my mom took of me. I was losing my eyesight and she got me a halo harness.