Sophy Books

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Storms of All Kinds

We didn't get the storm my human thought we would get. But she got upset yesterday anyway and made me go to the vet. I don't like going there even though most of the time they are very nice. They gave me nasty medicine and when I spit it out they gave me even more! And then they gave some to my human to give me at home. I have to take it again in a few weeks--and I don't like it.

Then, today, my human started a cleaning up storm. She took my rag toys and my blanket and put them in the washing machine and she washed a bunch of other stuff, too. AND she made me take a bath! A bath!

I don't feel so great and my human isn't too happy right now. The vet said maybe it was from when I was in the shelter and is changing the medicine I take every month. I hope it doesn't taste as bad as the medicine I had to take yesterday and today and tomorrow!


Raising Addie said...

Sophy you look so pretty after your bath!

I hope you start feeling better soon!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Sophie!
Nice to meet you! I saw your name in DWB and wanted to come and say hello!
I hope you feel better with the med!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

Sophy, what is it with humans and baths? I got one --- the third this week because I played with my friends who are a tad smelly. But they are pretty, all black with a white strip down their backs. And they're slow, really, really slow.

Hope you feel better soon.

Your friend, Jaxon

Amber-Mae said...

Sorry to hear that the bad weather made you upset. I hope the pills will make you feel better soon. Stop spitting them out ok? Be a goodie girl. BATH is the worst that could ever happen to you!!!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

P/S: Check out the new post in our blog. Chloe is our HERO!


Woof Sophy

Hope you're feeling better. It's that damn bath that did it. Tell your Mom to knock it off. We're dogs after all. Anyway, take care and get well soon.

Desert Pups


Woof Sophy

Are you feeling any better? Do you need us to come over and visit? Do you have a couch that needs to be chewed? That would make you feel better.

Desert Pups

Anonymous said...

Addie, You look pretty, too!

Lorenza, My human mixed the medicine in my food and it still tasted yucky but I ate it.

Jaxon, 3 baths??? Tell your human to stop it! My human won't let me play with birds.

Gold Dancer, I'll come read it real soon!

Desert Pups, Woof! I'm much better. Chewing up my rope toy helped, too.

Woof everyone!