My mom didn't notice and I found lots and lots of mud!

I came in and jumped on my mom's lap to share it with her but she wasn't as happy as I thought she would be. Don't tell anyone but she yelled and said some bad words.

A dog's eye view of the world.
My mom didn't notice and I found lots and lots of mud!
My mom finally managed to get all the food from the big bag in the bin and she let me check the bag to see if she missed any. Good thing, too, 'cuz I was getting bored with mom cutting our walks short just 'cuz she's still sneezing a lot and it's gotten colder outside. Well, I don't think it's cold but I've noticed humans are funny about things like that. Oh, and my mom's daughter is coming over again today so I'll get extra treats and another human to play with!
My mom keeps sneezing. She didn't want to get up this morning even when I gave her my very best rope chew toy! I hope she feels better soon because she didn't take me on my walk today. Good thing there are squirrels and rabbits to chase in my back yard!
Oh and I got a new toy! My mom says she hopes it lasts at least a day or two.