Sophy Books

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I really like being outdoors. I tried to get there through this door but I couldn't fit. I could put my paws and my head through but then I got stuck. I don't know why my human has a door that's too small for me.

In our back yard there is a really interesting plant. I don't know why my human doesn't like me eating it.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Sophy!
Sure that door is small!
Do those plants taste good?
Kisses and hugs

Raising Addie said...

LOL, Sophy you are sooo funny!

Tiny door and you don't mix... no fair temping you like that! And what could it hurt to eat a bush here or a leaf there.

Personally, I like to dig and eat whatever I dig up...


Raising Addie said...

Psssst... I have another award for you. Please stop by for a visit.

Suka said...

hey Sophy,

You need a bigger door! Is your human playing tricks on you? Frustrating, huh? You can always chew around the edges to make the door larger!

You sure have a big green yard to run around in. You are lucky - I have no place to run!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sophy! That door IS small! Mom put one like that into the bathroom door so I couldn't get in there and check out the kitty litter box!


Anonymous said...

Lorenza, The plants are the best! I love chewing them. I don't know why my human worries--I never get sick from them.

Addie, I like to dig and eat things too. My human doesn't look too carefully 'cuz the one time she did she said ewwwwww. My tail is wagging really hard 'cuz you gave me the award.

Suka, You need a place to run! I tried to chew the hole bigger in the door but then my human got really mad so I don't do that anymore.

Rusty, How come they do that? Don't they know we gots to check things out?